北京 [切换城市] 北京招聘北京质量管理/安全防护招聘北京质量管理/测试主管(QA/QC主管)招聘

Quality Controller


  • 公司规模:150-500人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会)


  • 发布日期:2013-07-26
  • 工作地点:昆山
  • 招聘人数:1
  • 语言要求:英语熟练
  • 职位类别:质量管理/测试主管(QA/QC主管)  


1. Coordinate with management for completing projects/ tasks/work orders timely and efficiently 同管理层协同合作,及时有效地完成项目、任务、订单。
2. Create and maintain sample room/cabinets 建立并维护样品室/柜
3. Lead and or assist other managers in Quality review meetings.牵头和协助管理层的质量会议
4. Lead in TQM (Total Quality management) enterprise efforts牵头企业TQM(全部质量管理)
5. Write instructions, specifications and inspection plans for parts.书写产品的说明,指标和检验计划。
6. Create/document inspection flow and MRB (Material Review Boards)建立质检流程文件和MRP(物料检验表)
7. Create and/or maintain SIP/SOP for each product and coordinate with Caamano group the Part Quality check list 给每个产品建立和维护SIP、SOP并同康玛尼集团质检列表协同一致。
8. Create measurement/inspection plans and identify critical dimensions.建立测量和监测计划,并标记关键尺寸。
9. Inspect and test materials, components, assemblies and finished products using measurement instruments such as micrometers, calipers, gauges, coordinate measuring machine (CMM), roughness meters … to ensure compliance with specifications.使用测量仪器,比如千分尺,卡钳,量规,CMM仪器,粗糙度仪等,检验监测物料,零件,装配件和成品,确保达标。
10. Discard or reject materials, components, assemblies and finished products not meeting specifications. 报废或退回不达标的物料,零件,装配件或成品。
11. Mark, tag and identify the accepted and/or rejected parts. 标记,打标签和识别可接受和退货的零件。
12. Create formats and forms for QC related Documents, keep QC Chop and ensure appropriate use, distribute and use “error stick” (Arrow symbol)创建质量相关的表格文件,保存质检章和确保其使用得当,分发和使用“错误标识”(箭头标识)
13. Record the results of the inspections and issue Non Conformity Reports.记录监测结果和签发不良品报告。
14. Create and/or Keep a filing system of QC departments 创建和留存质量部门文件。
15. Notify suppliers of the defects found, emphasizing on finding the root cause of the defect and follow up the corrective actions proposed by the supplier.通知供应商发现的不良品并强调发现产生不良品的根源,跟踪供应商更正的措施。
16. Issue and demand SCAR (Supplier Corrective Action Reports) and 8D Reports 签发并索取SCAR(供应商整改报告)和8D报告。
17. Manage the Supplier Control Improvement tools 管理供应商控制提升工具。
18. Revise the quality documentation issued by suppliers (certificates, test and inspection reports …).审阅供应商提供的质量报告(证书,测试和检测报告等)。
19. Keep and update the list of measuring instruments and calibrate them (or arrange calibrations by a calibration laboratory). 保留和更新测量仪器的列表并校准(或者安排校准实验室来校准)。
20. Clean and maintain test equipment and instruments to ensure proper functioning.清洁和维护测量设备和仪器,确保功能完好。
21. Translate into Chinese or into English language instructions and specifications.将说明书和技术指标翻译成中文或英文。
22. Communicate / coordinate quality related issues within Caamano and between Caamano and affiliated companies. 沟通和协作康玛尼奥家具(昆山)有限公司/雇主/和关联企业之间的相关质量事宜。
23. Train QC people and production enterprise employees in QC issues and awareness 培训质检人员和企业生产人员的质检事宜和知识。
24. Ensure Critical location/process must be acknowledge by operators 确保关键位置和加工必需通知操作人员。
25. Keep maintenance of Quality inspection equipment and ensure compliance with regulation (Enterprise, local and National laws and regulations), paying special attention to machine inspections, etc.
26. Report QC TO DO check list in daily bases 每日汇报质检待办事项
27. Report on schedules, jobs, (WIP) work in process, time expenditure and other established form and assist management (administration and accountancy) in stock and costing calculations.
28. Report about any incidence in workshop or facilities as soon as perceived.

1. Hardworking and good organizer.工作努力,有良好的组织能力。
2. Reading and writing in Chinese and English 中英文读写能力
3. Understanding of technical drawings and engineering designs/Sketches懂技术图纸和工程/草图
4. Good knowledge of Standardization process and ISO procedures and audits有标准化流程和ISO流程和审计的丰富的知识
5. Good manual ability to manipulate tools and parts 熟练使用工具和零件
6. Good knowledge of measuring systems and tools (CMM operation will be a plus) 有测量系统和工具的丰富的知识(懂CMM操作优先考虑)
7. Good knowledge of tolerances concepts and applications 懂余量概念和应用
8. Knowledge of SPC systems SPC系统知识
9. Understanding and proficient of Information Systems and their employment within a business 理解并精通信息系统及其企业内的雇佣关系
10. Numerical/verbal reasoning skills 数字或语言归纳能力
11. Presentation/communication skills. Should possess excellent communication (Oral and written) and interpersonal skills 表达沟通能力。具有优秀的沟通能力(书面和口语)和人际能力。
12. Ability to work in a team of people; Teamwork and individual contribution are equally important 在团队中工作的能力;团队和个人的贡献一样重要
13. The worker must be able to manage multiple tasks and priorities and easily adapt to changing situations必须具备同时管理几项工作和懂得轻重缓急的能力,并能容易适应环境的变化。
14. Employees residing in our region will be preferred. Employee should be ready to relocate at job location 本地优先。愿意到工作地点上班




  • 公司地址:梅园路77号
  • 邮政编码:200070