北京 [切换城市] 北京招聘


  • 公司规模:150-500人
  • 公司性质:外企代表处
  • 公司行业:互联网/电子商务



TradeKey.com 在Google的PR值为8,是全世界排名最高的电子商务平台之一,被Google评为全世界最重要的电子商务平台之一。Tradekey全球注册会员已超过500万,遍及全球240个国家,其中买家会员约250万,主要分布在: 北美,欧洲,中东(90%流量来自海外,只有约8%的流量来自中国,其中40%的买家流量来自美国,30%来自欧洲,20%来自中东和亚洲)。每月超过 2000万人次浏览量和近5000万网页浏览量。

Tradekey.com公司总部设在沙特,运营中心设在巴基斯坦,是全世界 B2B平台中唯一一家既通过ISO9001质量管理体系和ISO27001信息安全体系双认证的电子商务平台, 以其精湛的搜索引擎优化技术(SEO)闻名世界, 拥有强大的和先进的SEO技术。

Tradekey.com was established in 2006 with the aim to facilitate global trade and bring buyers and sellers from all around the world to one common platform.

With a capital investment of US $20 Million - TradeKey.com is world's leading marketplace which connects traders with worldwide wholesalers, buyers, importers & exporters, manufacturers and distributors in over 220 countries, quickly and cost effectively.

Tradekey.com is world's first B2B marketplace that earned ISO 9001 Quality Management System and ISO 27001 Information Security System certifications to ensure maximum customer satisfaction, security and safe online trading for users.

Tradekey.com welcomes over 9.5 Million visitors with over 32 Million PageViews without fail every single month. These numbers corroborate with the veracity of the claim that Tradekey.com can give an extraordinary exposure to traders in the global market.
Tradekey.com takes pride in announcing that Tradekey.com has highly professional and dedicated customer support representatives who are readily available to resolve the concerns and worries of all Tradekey.com members.
Grow your business at a rapid pace with the expert assistance of Tradekey.com.


职位名称 工作地区 更新日期 招聘人数
销售代表 广州 2012-12-24 若干
销售经理 宁波 2012-11-16 1
大客户经理 天津 2012-11-13 5
销售经理 顺德 2012-08-15 1
销售代表 上海 2012-08-08 若干
销售顾问 上海 2012-08-08 若干
大客户经理 上海 2012-08-08 5
电话销售 北京-朝阳区 2012-08-08 若干
销售助理 北京-朝阳区 2012-08-08 1
Account Manager 广州 2012-07-31 10
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